Woods Charter Music Instrument Wish List
Our musical instrument supply at Woods is populated almost entirely with donated instruments. If you have an instrument that you think we might be able to use, please contact Mr. Irons cirons@woodscharter.org---we would love to put your neglected keyboards, guitars, amps, microphones, and working mic stands to good use! Donations that would help us most right now areare listed below. Thank you for thinking of us.
3rd grade: basics of reading rhythm and pitch; signing together (needs: Orff instruments, noise makers, etc)
4th grade: recorder & singing (students purchase own recorders)
5th grade: ukulele, chord charts, and composition (students borrow school ukuleles)
6th grade: digital music making using DAW software (Logic)
High School: music theory in a rock band setting; jazz, blues, rock, folk, and pop music (mostly rock instruments)
Microphones (esp SM58s and SM57s)
We are always short on mics, especially this year when we have so many singers in the band. We'd be grateful for any you have laying around. SM58s and SM 57s are the workhorse industry standard
Ukulele Replacements
Our ukuleles are aging out. All 5th graders at Woods learn to play ukulele. Here are the ones we've found work best and last longest: MAHALO UKULELE on Amazon
Guitar Pedals/Pedal Board
We currently have just one guitar pedal, a Behringer tremolo. We'd be grateful for any used and still fully operational pedals anyone has lying around, even more grateful if a parent wanted to come in and build a board with our high schoolers.
Electric Guitars
Our current crop of electric guitars have been soldered and fixed up so many times; we would welcome one in better shape to replace one that has given us years and years of music.